Wednesday, September 15, 2010

27 Weeks Today!

One more week and I'll be 7 months!!
I weighed myself today and I'm up 2 lbs from last week, really only 5 days ago. I know how weight can fluncuate so I won't worry about it. I'll just continue eating good things and drinking plenty of water. Tomorrow is my next appointment and we'll be doing the glucose testing. Carlos is going with me, but will have to leave with enough time to make his 1115 appointment with a specialist about his back problems, he had an MRI done yesterday and will discuss it with this dr and see what can be done. I feel so bad for my poor baby, hope we can get some answers and he can get some relief soon.
Yesterday, my mom came by to drop me off some watermelon and she washed my sink full of dishes, so sweet of her!! I got some invitations ready to mail out today...My HS friend, Perla rsvp'd and so I sent her an invitation and also sent one to my friend Teresa. I sent alternative invitations (blue and pink diaper themed ones) to Carlos' cousins, Edith and Rosie. I have one left and I'll be sending that to a family friend of ours, Maria G. once I get her address. Some people already received their invitations yesterday in the mail and I got texts and calls about them, how sweet! It was hard work, but def worth it...tears and all! haha I've got to do better though, I've been so moody lately, the smallest things bother me and then I get out of breath and even my hands shakes. I don't want to add stress to my lil baby! :( This am I prayed long and hard to God about that and about my family in general. Just asking for protection and to help us all be better people. I've come a long way, but I'm still a work in progress. I don't claim to be perfect, but I try my best to be fair. If you're good to me I'll be good to you. I should love my enemies they say, but that is hard to do..I rather love those who love me!! :)
So, I've been sleepy lately...yesterday driving home I was soooo tired and this am I'm feeling it again. I worked out for a whopping 15min this am, I should be up and alert!?!! I may stay after work since it was cut short today...We'll see how I feel at 5 o'clock!
Oh and happy third trimester to us today!! We're almost at the finish line! I couldn't have done it with out my sweetie, Carlos and all the spoiling from mommy!

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