Wednesday, September 1, 2010

25 Weeks

In the gym about to do my 30 minute workout.

Today I'm 25 again....25 weeks that is. This pregnancy has been so good to me, I can't complain!! According to our baby is now the size of an eggplant and estimated 1 1/2 lbs, but I think my baby is above average so he must be atleast 2 lbs of perfection!
I have to mention my lunch today because I just can't wait to eat it in about 15 minutes! So today I have some yummy meatloaf I made (one of my specialities), grapes, yogurt and drumroll please...chewy chocolate chip cookies and a nice tall glass of chocolate milk!! I'm definitely NOT sharing today!! lol Yesterday I gave Rob a slice of brisket since he called me out saying he's given me some of his bbq. I had 3 slices of bread and about 5 slices of brisket, so I was able to share. My motto is, "I don't share, unless you share first!"
2 more weeks and I'll be in the 3rd trimester. Time is just flying by so fast. I have several things to do and prepare for. Today I scheduled a genetic counseling session for next Thursday to discuss the rare skin disease in my family, Incontinentia Pigmenti. I'm pretty sure I have nothing to fear since I have not had signs of the disease ever and disease does not allow a male baby to survive. My mom had 2 miscarriages before having my older sister and its suspected that they were male and that could have been the reason for the miscarrages. Like I said, I'm not too worried, just want to be informed and wanted my dr to be aware of the issue so I told her as soon as it dawned on me when finding out I'm having a BOY.

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