Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Scale Says....

I've gained 14lbs so far!

I'm not so happy about it, but it's okay it's all for a good cause! After baby though I will be hitting the eliptical like crazy and eating only chicken salads and water! I'm also banking on the breastfeeding to shrink my baby fat and pre-existing fat!! Is that asking too much?? haha My friend Erin who's baby is now 3 weeks and a half has lost her baby fat (20lbs) by just breastfeeding, she's just started running. I wanna be like her when I grow up! haha I'm still going to the gym so keeping active I'm sure is helping and I'll continue as long as I'm able to. It really helps me from keeping my legs from feeling heavy and a lil blood pumping never did anyone pregnant or not any harm. I won't stress about this weight gain, I'll just continue eating and avoid the bad stuff I really don't need to be sharing with baby like candies!! Sorry Christian, mommy is a fatty and loves junk food from time to time!

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