Friday, August 13, 2010

22 Weeks and 2 Days

Woohoo it's FRIDAY! :)

So update on my heart to heart monitor I got instruction manual says I should be able to hear baby at about 28 weeks and/or beginning of my 3rd trimester. I'm a lil early...I was able to hear my heartbeat and Carlos' HB with it so we atleast know it does work, but apparently I'm a lil early. I'm still glad I bought it and I'll try it weekly til it works!!! :)

I was not able to make it to the gym this am, I was so lazy and didn't want to get out of the bed!!
I left home at 710am and some how made it to work on time!! Kudos for me! I've been trying to drive slower and more cautionsly since both Carlos and my dad both say I need to be more careful and stay away from the cars! I guess I think I'm playing bumper cars! haha

I'm ready for this weekend...I think...Today I'm going to my mom's house to hang out and dye her hair. I'll only smell the fumes a lil bit when I apply the dye, I'm sure it will be fine. Tomorrow my sisters and I are going to have a garage sale at Vicky's house. I only have some clothes to sell, not much...Then we're heading to Aiden's birthday party and also hoping to stop by a fundraiser BBQ for old HS classmates who lost their 4 year old son late last month. I can't imagine the pain they are going through and all the "what if" quesions they have racing in their minds. My heart and prayers go out to the family in such sorrow right now.
Sunday should be my free day, just church as usual with my mom and probably some shopping.

Almost forgot to mention today I get to work with a BIG green bag on my desk with a baby gift from a coworker's daughter, Mercedes. So sweet of her to give me a bunch of breastfeeding stuff that she unfortunately wasn't able to use because she was on high blood pressure medicine soon after the birth of her lil girl. She went to a baby fair in/around Galveston yesterday and won a bunch of things. I'm truly blessed, I even get love from strangers!! :)

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