Thursday, August 5, 2010

20 Weeks and 1 Day

So I'm getting the lower back/tailbone pain again. It hurts, but its not unbearable and definitely not going to keep me away from the gym. I gotta keep active even if its just walking on the treadmill and not breaking out in a sweat. I don't want to swell up and have hamhocks at my baby shower come October! haha I told Dr. Peterson and she didn't seem too concerned about the pain, said it will probably get worse, just one of those pregnancy perks! lol Vanessa says it could be a sciatica nerve-- I've had it before, but it does seem like it's getting a lil worse. Mom says also the extra weight, which I just saw online too could cause it. I'll be fine, again nothing major or unbearable, but its there when I stand up and sit down.
I feel like my pregnancy is going by so fast. I'm enjoying it, the extra attention, the spoiling from all those who love me dearly. I owe my mom a thank you card. I just barely gave Vicky her's this week. I hadn't even thought about how I hadn't thanked them formally in a card (the POE in me) after I got thank you cards ready for Vanessa (who showered me with maternity clothes to borrow during this expanding time in my life lol! She hooked me up and I will STOP shopping for maternity clothes UNLESS it's dirt cheap and I mean $1-3!!!) and Michelle (who sent me a cute carepackage for our lil boy all the way from New Jersey. It was such a nice gesture...he has newborn onesies now with lil puppies and matching mitts and booties, he will look just darling in them!!)

I'm so excited to be experiencing this wonderful time in my life. Really, my life couldn't be more perfect...of course winning the lotto would top it all off, but with or without all the extra money my life is complete!!! I have a wonderful and supportive husband, my family is also there for me and spoils me rotten!!! I have several close friends that help with their words, actions and also spoiling. I have been trying to record every moment of this pregnancy because I want to remember this forever!!!

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