Thursday, August 5, 2010

Kate Kate in My Water Pool

My beautiful niece, Kate in my "water pool" aka my body pillow! I had a great time babysitting my lil sweetie yesterday while mommy went out to get manicure and pedicure. Definitely made me think about how much work raising a child is. Kate is an adorable sweet lil girl, but definitely keeps you on your toes!! She was pretty good about eating her noodles after I told her she could have a candy later. I also had to bribe her with a few Sun chips! haha So cute she'd ask for a chip and say, "Pretty please...pretty please". How could I say no to that? She amazed me by pointing out a shadow on a door. Where did she learn shadow? She's so smart, she's going to have to share all her brains with my baby boy. We sang our ABC's together, she pointed out all her facial parts when I asked her and then started asking me where things were like, flowers, spoon, fork, candy pop (popsicle), my tummy. She made me smile and of course tear up. One day she's gonna grow up and I hope she still loves me and adores me the same. I promise to always be a good aunt to her and hold her hand as long as I can. She's so sweet and has this amazing smile that just melts your heart. Oh and I have to add Kate said my FAKE tulips on the table smelled good. How cute is that?

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1 comment:

  1. thanks again for taking care of my lil mimis youre gonna make a great mommy and kates always gonna wanna hold you hand too just wait and see :) love you tons roxy
