Thursday, October 21, 2010

Update After 32 Week Appointment

So today was my 8 month appointment. I've gained 5 lbs since my last visit 2 weeks ago and Dr. Peterson is guessing Christian's weight at about 4 lbs. She said it is alarming and asked about my eating habits and calorie intake. I'm guilty of eating as I want lately and I'm changing this bad habit as of today. I know lately I've been craving sweets and I haven't limited myself. It seems like I want and have ice cream for dessert everyday. I will now do salads with chicken and a lot of steamed and grilled veggies with chicken. I have got to do better for Christian's sake and mine. I'm also guilty of eating a lot of bread lately. Today's appointment was a definite wake up call. Dr. Peterson says she would like to see Christian in the 3lbs range vs 4lbs. My belly is still measuring 1-2 weeks ahead. In 4 more weeks I'll have u/s at my dr's office and we'll get to see Christian again, get accurate weight and length measurements and ultrasound pictures!! I cannot wait!
I'll try not to stress too much about this, but of course as a first time mommy I'm concerned and worried. I will try my best to prevent a BIG baby and if after I change my eating habits and he still growing at a rapid speed then I can be assured it wasn't due to my overeating and sweet weaknesses.

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