Friday, October 1, 2010

My Breakfast Spoil

This am I was doubly spoiled...first at home my sweetie woke up extra early (530am) just to make me breakfast tacos (weenies and egg) because he says he doesn't like me eating "poptarts" for breakfast! So I ate yummy before my 35min workout this morning and then after my workout I got a sweet surprise from Vanessa! She brought me my ultimate favorite drink right now...CHOCOLATE milk and a donut! It was delicious! So I had a heavy breakfast so it's a good thing I have a light lunch, some leftover fideo (mex pasta) w/potato and carrots, a pear, popcorn and apple juice to wash it all down with.

I stepped on the scale today and to my surprise I gained 5lbs from my last weigh in...really 4 (after I took off my shoes scaled changed by 1 lb! haha) so that is a total of 25lbs. I try not to worry too much about it, I know it's all for a good cause and I will work it alllllll out after baby to have that flat stomach I used to have..Pshhhhhhhhhhhhh! haha okay, back to my budgy belly I had. I am praying for a smooth and quick delivery. A guest pastor at church and some church elders prayed over me about 3 months ago and that was the blessing prayed over me and Carlos. I will try my best and hope not to cuss out anyone in the delivery room! haha

So glad it's Friday. I have tons of baby shower stuff to still do. Go to Arne's, finish my gift bags (for prizes), order cake and cupcakes in person @ Kroger, make some labels for the party favors, decorate the time capsule...the list goes on and on.. My mom will be helping me this weekend, also my dear friend Judith is coming over to help me with a speciality of hers, DIAPER cakes!! Vicky is also helping w/pricing some things I'll need next week--lettuce and croissant bread @ Sam's and she's picking up the party favor cookies also @ Sam's. Baby shower is next Saturday!! Woohoo, party time! I can't wait to see everyone and celebrate this life that is still baking in my belly, CHRISTIAN! So I told Kate yesterday that baby looks like a teddy bear in my belly so we'll hear her saying that from now on. I was trying to cheer her up, she was upset that Vicky wouldn't allow her to watch cartoons. Kate has grown right before our eyes...she's such a big girl talking in complete phrases, it just amazes me! I'm so proud of her and can't wait to see what big adventures she gets into in the future years. I love my Kate Kate to pieces!

My boss is so nice. He called me in his office to ask when I planned to take off for the baby. I told him I plan on staying til the end, until baby is ready to come. Thank God I have not had any complications up to now and hopefully I'll be able to do that. Well my boss tells me he hopes he is not putting any unnecessary stress on me about my collection numbers. I told him no, I have no problem keeping my work and personal lives separate. I am a perfectionist by nature and I do my best at work and sure I get upset when I see my co-workers do some pretty dumb mistakes, but I won't let that make me stressed. I can only control myself, can't control them. He asked me and I knew it was help train new associates that will be coming in in about 2 weeks. I'm not looking forward to that. I like my space and that will be no personal time for me! lol Selfish of me I know...I couldn't tell him no and he said that it will be documented so if my collections are low it will be understandable because of training purposes.

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