Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Almost 33 Weeks

Tomorrow I'll be 33 weeks. Almost nearing that 40 week mark!! I'm continuing my healthy eating. I did have spicy beef enchiladas this past weekend, but I did not finish my plate and gave my leftovers with Carlos. Today for breakfast I had not so nutritious Frosted Flakes with a banana and 2 poptarts. Lunch today was half a grilled chicken breast, some mac n cheese and broccoli and dessert was a soggy mango. I put the mango in the freezer yesterday evening to have as dessert yesterday and I left it in overnight instead so after it thawed out it was soggy :(. I hardly enjoyed it. I weighed in yesterday and total damage, aka weight gain is 26lbs. I actually lost 2 lbs since last time and it's an effect I'm sure from eating better. I promise I am not starving myself, just eating a lot better than before. I have craved my ice cream though, of course!!
So I'm still feeling great. I get out of breath when I talk too much or climb into bed. I went to the gym this morning and worked out for about 30 minutes, I did my mile of walking on treadmill and stretching exercises. I really cannot complain about anything, this pregnancy has been great. I'm expecting for Christian to be just as good as he was in my womb! :) I'm counting down...

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