Friday, October 22, 2010


Belly bump picture from this am

So I woke up to terrible news this morning. God needed another angel and didn't want Mr. Guzman to suffer anymore. Kate's grandpa, Vicky's father in law and Sergio's rock passed away early this am after a long battle with cancer. I continue to pray for a cure to this distructive disease. Our only comfort is knowing that he is no longer suffering, but thats little comfort right now for his family. I pray they will seek God for comfort and strength during this loss. Please pray for the Guzman Family with me!!

Today is day 2 of healthier eating for me. Yesterday evening I had a yummy salad with grilled chicken. Carlos was so sweet to go grocery shopping for me and got me tons of good salad stuff I love, red onions, cranberries, cucumbers and honey mustard dressing, that I will promise not to OVERuse! haha I'll see how this helps my weight and baby growth. Next appointment is on 11/04/10. I have 5 more appointments before my due date!! This is all becoming very real!

Yesterday evening I went to bed at about 930 and it felt so great! I slept like a baby and even had another one of my weird dreams. I dreamed I called into the radio station (106.5 KQQK, which no longer exists, I used to listen to it in middle & high school, it was a Tejano station) and I requested to hear "Eres Mi Droga/"You're my Drug" by none less than Intocable! haha Well they didn't even play my song, they played something by Pesado and I was mad. That is all I really remember. I can't imagine why I dreamed that!

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