Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Grandma's Special Present

I love this blankie and pillowcase my mom made for our sweet lil Christian. We found the animal print fabric at a gsale for only $.25 and then my mom bought the brown microfiber type material to use as backing. I love this and so will Christian!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Almost 33 Weeks

Tomorrow I'll be 33 weeks. Almost nearing that 40 week mark!! I'm continuing my healthy eating. I did have spicy beef enchiladas this past weekend, but I did not finish my plate and gave my leftovers with Carlos. Today for breakfast I had not so nutritious Frosted Flakes with a banana and 2 poptarts. Lunch today was half a grilled chicken breast, some mac n cheese and broccoli and dessert was a soggy mango. I put the mango in the freezer yesterday evening to have as dessert yesterday and I left it in overnight instead so after it thawed out it was soggy :(. I hardly enjoyed it. I weighed in yesterday and total damage, aka weight gain is 26lbs. I actually lost 2 lbs since last time and it's an effect I'm sure from eating better. I promise I am not starving myself, just eating a lot better than before. I have craved my ice cream though, of course!!
So I'm still feeling great. I get out of breath when I talk too much or climb into bed. I went to the gym this morning and worked out for about 30 minutes, I did my mile of walking on treadmill and stretching exercises. I really cannot complain about anything, this pregnancy has been great. I'm expecting for Christian to be just as good as he was in my womb! :) I'm counting down...

Friday, October 22, 2010

Our Maternity Pictures Taken 10/16/10

My Fave...Paisley!


Belly bump picture from this am

So I woke up to terrible news this morning. God needed another angel and didn't want Mr. Guzman to suffer anymore. Kate's grandpa, Vicky's father in law and Sergio's rock passed away early this am after a long battle with cancer. I continue to pray for a cure to this distructive disease. Our only comfort is knowing that he is no longer suffering, but thats little comfort right now for his family. I pray they will seek God for comfort and strength during this loss. Please pray for the Guzman Family with me!!

Today is day 2 of healthier eating for me. Yesterday evening I had a yummy salad with grilled chicken. Carlos was so sweet to go grocery shopping for me and got me tons of good salad stuff I love, red onions, cranberries, cucumbers and honey mustard dressing, that I will promise not to OVERuse! haha I'll see how this helps my weight and baby growth. Next appointment is on 11/04/10. I have 5 more appointments before my due date!! This is all becoming very real!

Yesterday evening I went to bed at about 930 and it felt so great! I slept like a baby and even had another one of my weird dreams. I dreamed I called into the radio station (106.5 KQQK, which no longer exists, I used to listen to it in middle & high school, it was a Tejano station) and I requested to hear "Eres Mi Droga/"You're my Drug" by none less than Intocable! haha Well they didn't even play my song, they played something by Pesado and I was mad. That is all I really remember. I can't imagine why I dreamed that!

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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Update After 32 Week Appointment

So today was my 8 month appointment. I've gained 5 lbs since my last visit 2 weeks ago and Dr. Peterson is guessing Christian's weight at about 4 lbs. She said it is alarming and asked about my eating habits and calorie intake. I'm guilty of eating as I want lately and I'm changing this bad habit as of today. I know lately I've been craving sweets and I haven't limited myself. It seems like I want and have ice cream for dessert everyday. I will now do salads with chicken and a lot of steamed and grilled veggies with chicken. I have got to do better for Christian's sake and mine. I'm also guilty of eating a lot of bread lately. Today's appointment was a definite wake up call. Dr. Peterson says she would like to see Christian in the 3lbs range vs 4lbs. My belly is still measuring 1-2 weeks ahead. In 4 more weeks I'll have u/s at my dr's office and we'll get to see Christian again, get accurate weight and length measurements and ultrasound pictures!! I cannot wait!
I'll try not to stress too much about this, but of course as a first time mommy I'm concerned and worried. I will try my best to prevent a BIG baby and if after I change my eating habits and he still growing at a rapid speed then I can be assured it wasn't due to my overeating and sweet weaknesses.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

8 Months Baby!!

Well me, Christian and daddy have made it to 8 months! I'm so happy he'll be joining the Lara Family very soon! My sweet baby has been such a good baby in the womb and I'm sure he'll be a good baby once he's out! :) I'm going out to celebrate tonight...going to Cheddar's with some of my favorite girls, Vicky, Maria and Mel! :) I can't wait to catch up with them and have a yummy dinner. I already know what I'm having..a chicken pot pie! Time to go now!! :)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Weekend Review

I had a great weekend, just as usual, goes by way too fast!
Friday I didn't do much, just hung out at my mom's house after having a yummy dinner at home with Carlos.
Saturday am we missed the garage sales to go take maternity pictures. They came out great, but I was not prepared to spend as much as I did. These pregnancy memories are irreplaceable and I'm convincing myself it is all worth it! I should be taking more belly pictures soon with Erin and I'll be picking tons of baby shower pictures that my dear cousin from the valley, Belinda took for us. I've talked myself out of the 3D/4D ultrasound session I had booked for this upcoming Saturday. My main reasons not to is that we need to stop spending on all these pre-Christian pictures, I'd rather spend on his every 3 month professional pictures and he may be too big now to get good shots anyways. Carlos says he prefers a surprise and does not want to see baby all wrinkly. So I think we're both on the same page regarding that. I hope I don't regret it later. We'll see our dear Christian very soon, Dr. Peterson is scheduling a 36 week ultrasound and that will be in about 4 weeks!! I can't wait to see our baby again and see how much he weighs!!!
So after the maternity pictures I rushed home to get ready and head out to Webster for my bumpie (Julie)'s baby shower. The theme was Duckies and it was sooooo adorably decorated. We had a good time and probably too much sugar! haha After the shower we stopped at the cemetery my older sister, Diana is buried at. I had no been in a very long time and I cannot remember ever buying flowers for her. We stopped at a flower shop right across from the cemetery and I bought her my first flowers, it was a pretty purple mix. My mom had no problem finding her lil gravestone amidst all the others. It's unbelievable how a mother's love can never forget those things. My poor sister suffered while on this earth and now she's a sweet lil angel looking over our family. I feel bad my mom had to endure all those moments of fear and uncertainty with her. It made my mom a stronger person and made her appreciate her healthy (maybe too healthy haha) daughters. After that emotional visit we headed to Dot's Coffee Shop and we split some chicken strips.
Sunday was our regular church day, just me, Carlos and mom as usual. I made a huge dent on my thank you cards Sunday and went to bed too late as usual. I've missed the gym too long now! I missed all last week and as of today I have not been to the gym this week either! I have got to do better!!
Tomorrow I turn 8 months!! Christian is really almost here! It seems so unbelieveable!!! :)

Monday, October 18, 2010

31 Weeks and 2 Days

It was a little chilly Friday morning and I was just itching to wear this cute 3/4 sweater top mommy got me. I even had matching purple ruffle flats to go with it.

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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Weekend Review

Today is my Monday at work because I took off yesterday to be with my mom during her gallbladder surgery. I enjoyed the extra day off and was able to take care of my mom and a few things around the house. Of course we were scared about the surgery and got emotional before the procedure, but with God's everlasting protection my mom is fine! She's already walking faster, she'll be running in no time! hehe
So this past Saturday was our baby shower and it was a huge success. All the hard work and hours of preparing paid off. I really felt like it was our wedding part II! We were so busy greeting our guests, making sure they were taken care of and taking pictures that we hardly even ate. We ate until we got home and brought in all our gifts and things we used for the shower which was about 330 or 4pm. Then we took a long 4 or 5 hour nap. Ever since that nap my sleeping pattern has been a lil crazy. I woke up Saturday and started cleaning up and didn't go to bed until 1 or so in the morning. My cousins, Anabel and Belinda came all the way from the Valley (Los Fresnos/Brownsville, TX) along with my grandma just for my shower and my cousins really helped out so much. I appreciate all their help to make our shower special and less stressful for me! :) Our shower started at 11am and ended at 2, which we ran a lil bit over. Everything was perfect!! I appreciate all my mom and sister's help to make my baby shower a complete success!
Sunday we (me, Carlos, Belinda, and Anabel) went to church and then lunch at Palazzo's. My cousins really enjoyed our church and had a great time. We got home soon after and they packed up and got ready to go home. They had a quick lil trip to Houston and hopefully will come back soon to spend more time with us and do more sightseeing.

Our Baby Shower

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Thursday, October 7, 2010

30 Weeks

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29 Weeks and 6 Days

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Grandpa's First Gift to Christian

My daddy painted this rocking chair for me and Christian. It will match pefectly in our nursey! :) Thanks Grandpa!!

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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

29 Weeks and 2 Days

After dinner @ Jarrito! Our fave Mexican place in Katy, other than my mom's homemade cooking of course! hehe :)

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29 Weeks & 3 Days

On our way to our Prepared Childbirth class and sporting my blue pinstriped top so everyone could know we've having a BOY! :) By the way the class was 12 couples and 10 of us are expecting BOYS and only 2 couples are having GIRLS. It's definitey boy season all around! Girls are the minority for Fall/Winter 2010!

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29 Weeks & 4 Days

Looking very "homey" as I got baby shower stuff done with my mom, Vicky and Judith.

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29 Weeks and 5 Days

After shopping all over Houston!! LOL I was on a mission for Teddy Grahams!! Finally after 5 Kroger stores, I was done!!

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Baby Shower Stuff

Balloons Galore!! It's gonna look so great on Saturday!!

This will be the time capsule :) I love how it came out!

Baby shower party favor

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Monday, October 4, 2010

Weekend Review

So this weekend was great!! I got a lot done, so proud of myself and I didn't get huffy... Friday, me and my mom hit the stores, I returned the online dresses I had bought at Target that were not going to work for the shower. I bought a few more shower game gifts and found a super cute and fitting shower gift for my bumpie friend, Julie.

Saturday morning Carlos and me slept in late, which felt great! We missed all the garage sales though! :( We went to Walmart to do some returns and pick up some storage totes he bought online. I made 2 stops to my banks. I am so happy that I changed my direct deposit to our joint account and I will be closing out my other banks. It was becoming such a hassle with 3 different banks. With a baby on the way anything to make my life easier is necessary!! :) We were able to hit one gsale before our Prepared Childbirth class at our hospital, Memorial Hermann Katy. It was a good one, they had tons of books, got tons of Berenstein Bear books for lil Christian and tons of Dora books for Kate. I have a terrible memory when it comes to childhood memories, but I can remember being 8 or younger at home sick from school and watching Berenstein Bears on tv or VHS and my dad making me some soup or something warm for lunch. I know I was 8 or younger because we were living at our very first home. At the gsale I also got a cute little sweater w/ducks on it (it's unisex) and a cute lil denim jumper outfit for Izzy. The childbirth class was interesting and very informative. The teacher was a lil rough around the edges, but she cracked a few jokes and made the class enjoyable. The 6 hours went by pretty fast. I learned some stretchingexercises to do, was reminded about the kegel exercises, which I have been doing, but probably not often enough, reminded how important water is, glad I love water so much, and Carlos was definitately enlightened regarding my moodiness aka my "huffiness". I think he has a better understanding of what is going on in my body and all the emotions I'm going through and will go through. My sweetie is such a great hubby. He made me yummy bacon egg and cheese tacos this am using the delicious flour tortillas my mommy made us yesterday. Okay, so back go my weekend. After the class we went home and had a delicious dinner there. Carlos makes great chicken breast, it's seasoned just right and plump because he doesn't butterfly the chicken. We had that with some mashed potatoes and rice-a-roni.

Sunday, we skipped church. We had a guest speaker scheduled and I wanted to get some baby shower stuff taken care of so that I won't be rushed during the week. My mom came over to help and she made us yummy refried beans, chorizo egg and potato with homemade tortillas!! Judith came over to do my diaper cake, which I was supposed to help, but I really didn't do much, I assisted a few times to hold things together for her, but she did it all. It took about 4 and half hours and it looks beautiful! I took a picture, but I think I'll wait to showcase it at the shower. Vicky came over too and made the table decorations, we're only missing 2. Everything looks great! I made the party favor tags and they are ready to be put together, only thing missing is the Teddy Grahams. I'm going to Kroger today and stocking up! I won't pack them in the bags until Friday evening as we're making the chicken salad. I need to get big bottle of mayo, some celery, romaine lettuce and of course the delicious croissant bread. So far my guest list is at 130. I've invited families to the shower, since the venue is big, we can handle a big crowd. Carlos' family is huge so just them alone is about 50 people. We invited everyone, which was a little different than our wedding. Our wedding was limited so we could only invite our close family and friends and even with doing that of course some people that rsvp'd didn't show up or at the last minute couldn't come from out of town. I was a little disappointed about that, but I really realized who really cares about me and Carlos, but overall I remember my wedding as PERFECT and very enjoyable! We definitely had our fairytale wedding!

Friday, October 1, 2010

My Breakfast Spoil

This am I was doubly spoiled...first at home my sweetie woke up extra early (530am) just to make me breakfast tacos (weenies and egg) because he says he doesn't like me eating "poptarts" for breakfast! So I ate yummy before my 35min workout this morning and then after my workout I got a sweet surprise from Vanessa! She brought me my ultimate favorite drink right now...CHOCOLATE milk and a donut! It was delicious! So I had a heavy breakfast so it's a good thing I have a light lunch, some leftover fideo (mex pasta) w/potato and carrots, a pear, popcorn and apple juice to wash it all down with.

I stepped on the scale today and to my surprise I gained 5lbs from my last weigh in...really 4 (after I took off my shoes scaled changed by 1 lb! haha) so that is a total of 25lbs. I try not to worry too much about it, I know it's all for a good cause and I will work it alllllll out after baby to have that flat stomach I used to have..Pshhhhhhhhhhhhh! haha okay, back to my budgy belly I had. I am praying for a smooth and quick delivery. A guest pastor at church and some church elders prayed over me about 3 months ago and that was the blessing prayed over me and Carlos. I will try my best and hope not to cuss out anyone in the delivery room! haha

So glad it's Friday. I have tons of baby shower stuff to still do. Go to Arne's, finish my gift bags (for prizes), order cake and cupcakes in person @ Kroger, make some labels for the party favors, decorate the time capsule...the list goes on and on.. My mom will be helping me this weekend, also my dear friend Judith is coming over to help me with a speciality of hers, DIAPER cakes!! Vicky is also helping w/pricing some things I'll need next week--lettuce and croissant bread @ Sam's and she's picking up the party favor cookies also @ Sam's. Baby shower is next Saturday!! Woohoo, party time! I can't wait to see everyone and celebrate this life that is still baking in my belly, CHRISTIAN! So I told Kate yesterday that baby looks like a teddy bear in my belly so we'll hear her saying that from now on. I was trying to cheer her up, she was upset that Vicky wouldn't allow her to watch cartoons. Kate has grown right before our eyes...she's such a big girl talking in complete phrases, it just amazes me! I'm so proud of her and can't wait to see what big adventures she gets into in the future years. I love my Kate Kate to pieces!

My boss is so nice. He called me in his office to ask when I planned to take off for the baby. I told him I plan on staying til the end, until baby is ready to come. Thank God I have not had any complications up to now and hopefully I'll be able to do that. Well my boss tells me he hopes he is not putting any unnecessary stress on me about my collection numbers. I told him no, I have no problem keeping my work and personal lives separate. I am a perfectionist by nature and I do my best at work and sure I get upset when I see my co-workers do some pretty dumb mistakes, but I won't let that make me stressed. I can only control myself, can't control them. He asked me and I knew it was help train new associates that will be coming in in about 2 weeks. I'm not looking forward to that. I like my space and that will be no personal time for me! lol Selfish of me I know...I couldn't tell him no and he said that it will be documented so if my collections are low it will be understandable because of training purposes.

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29 Weeks and 1 Day

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