Tuesday, December 21, 2010

One Week Ago...

Our lives changed just as we had imagined...Our sweet lil Christian came into our lives. Last Monday night after work I felt some different more intense contractions and I decided to skip dinner, which I never do, took a nice warm shower and called it a night at about 8pm. At about 1230am I woke up with the urge to go to the bathroom. As I used the bathroom and looked as I had been the last few weeks and I saw something different, some bloody show. I got just as excited as I had been the morning in April when I took a pregnancy test and read it was POSITIVE! I woke up Carlos and told him the news and that baby was definitely on the way!! I was very happy because I was beginning to think I'd have to be induced after my due date and that Christian was getting too big. Soon after that we started to count my contractions and sure enough they were coming every 5-6 minutes and lasting about 30-45 seconds. Along with my bloody show there was some mucus or so I thought. Later I found out my water had broken, which isn't too common, especially for someone's first pregnancy. So we headed out to the hospital at about 3 am and we said goodbye to our house and told it that we'd be returning with our lil Christian. We arrived to the hospital, we were taken to a triage room and they said they would monitor me for about an hour and check my progress. They called Dr. Peterson with my progress report after I had been there for an hour and dr ordered an ultrasound to check about my fluid level as nurse saw I was leaking a lot after she checked me the second time. That is how we found out my water had broken. I did not progress after my hour of observation, but because water had been broken, they admitted me. I was then taken to the labor and delivery room, room number 3 at Memorial Herman Katy Hospital. I was constantly checked and I dilated very slowly it seemed like and dr ordered the pitocin, to speed up my cervix to dilate. I refused pain medicine since I did not want to be drowsy and not be able to fully experience Christian's birth. When I finally asked for the epidural I was only 2 cm dilated still. I was disappointed, but in really bad pain. Those contractions felt like a towel being wrung out, I used to have really bad cramps growing up and labor contractions compared to them, but about 10 times worse!! I was told the epidural would be available in about an hour or so and that's when I said okay to the lowest dosage possible of pain medicine. I was given stadol and nurse, who was extremely nice and compassionate, Esther said it would be effective immediately, but wouldn't last long. She was right, it worked very fast and when it was time for pushing I was no longer feeling the numness it was able to provide during those terrible contractions. When it was time for the epidural I did not feel that at all that I can remember, I was ready to go to sleep and just felt so calm and relaxed. At 630pm I told nurse I needed more epidural as I felt mine had worn off already, she said she'd check me first because maybe I was ready to push. Sure enough I had completely effaced and was 10 cm dilated...I was ready to PUSH!! After 30 minutes of pushing that actually felt like 10 minutes, our sweeeeeeet, dear Christian was out! After all the planning, all the dreams and praying our sweet angel was born! Christian weighed in at 7 lbs and 12 ounces and 19 inches in length. Carlos of course was at my side through it all and he was an amazing husband and daddy as expected. He captured most of it on video and we'll have it to treasure it forever and ever! I said I wanted a vaginal birth and I'm so happy it was possible. I was fine soon after delivery. I did feel very light headed though and I was pretty sure it was because of skipping my dinner the night before. I was very happy to finally have some food after delivery. Vicky brought me what I had been craving for a while, Chick fil a! The whole delivery experience was amazing and I still can't believe how perfect and somewhat easy it was. I did have to have an episiotomy done and that is still healing, but I'm doing fine. Most importantly Christian was born just as perfect as can be and just as cute as can be too!! We're blessed a million times over and I know this is just the beginning!! We were released from the hospital 2 days after delivery and it felt great to come home. Christian is such a good baby too. We've had tough nights, but we just realized my breast milk is not quite in and I haven't been feeding him much through breastfeeding. We began to supplement formula with my breastmilk as of Friday night and it has been better and continues to improve each day. We were hesitant at first, but of course anything for Christian. I will never deprive him of anything! He's asleep right now and I should be too, but I have some breast pumping to do first. I am a mommy now and I'm loving my new job!! I just love to hold my sweetie and tell him how much I love him. One day he'll read this blog and know exactly how our baby journey to meeting him was.
Christian-I love you sweetie forever and ever! I can't wait to see the kind of man you grow up to be. Me and your daddy will promise to guide you always and provide you with everything necessary that you'll need to succeed in this world. You were born out of so much love that me and your daddy have for each other and you were defintely planned. I should say carefully planned, your daddy never makes a rash decision, he always thinks things through and weighs every possiblity. He really is the smartest man I know. I didn't grow up with a strong man like that and I admire him for being such a great man. I know I couldn't have married a better man than your daddy. Christian, you will have some big shoes to fit, but I know with me and your daddy's love and support you will do just fine!! This blog is dedicated to you Christian and I hope you treasure it always my love!! I love you more than words could ever explain. I want to protect you always and love you like crazy!! -Love, Mommy

Friday, December 17, 2010

Our Sweet Christian

These are Christian's first professional pictures taken at the hospital on day 2! Christian came out adorable and we couldn't resist buying some pictures to share with our loved ones!

Monday, December 13, 2010

39 Week Appointment Update

Last Thursday was our 39 week appointment. Dr. Peterson thinks he dropped some more, I'm dilated 1 cm (still! :(), she guesses his weight 8-8 1/2 lbs, confirmed we'll do another hospital u/s to check weight accurately and we changed my next appointment date. I'm usually seen on Thursdays, a day after each new week for me, but we changed it to Tuesday 230 and said we'd discuss the u/s results. The earliest we could do u/s is Tuesday and as of right now I'm still waiting to get a call with an appointment time for that. I'm just so anxious at this point. I'm not at all frustrated with being pregnant, just anxious and a lil concerned about my BIG boy. I HAVE to push him out so I don't want him to get too big, or bigger than he already is I should say! haha Dr. Peterson said she'd be fine with inducing on my due date or any day past it, but definitely after 2 weeks past my due date. I definitely don't want to wait 2 weeks past my due date, and I'm really trying to hold out being induced. I just rationalize that it will be a smoother delivery if I just let nature take it's time. I'm so undecided...We'll see what happens. I'm definitely feeling Christian moving this morning and I've felt a lil belly tightening, but not as intense as early last week. It seems like the cramping and tightening slowed down and I don't know why! lol I thought it would only get more intense.
This Saturday Carlos and I had a surprise baby shower hosted by my in-laws. We were told to come over to my mother in law's for some tamales and we both figured it was for my mother in law's birthday (12/13), but we get there and we get a nice greeting...,"SURPRISE!!!!!" We sure were surprised! It was really just family there. We got some more clothes, bath products and money! :) I'll be starting Christian a savings account once he's born and has a social security number. I know it will just sit there, nothing will ever be withdrawn, if I do daddy will KILL me! haha

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Monday, December 6, 2010

Christian We're Ready for you Baby!!

Well we are now 38 weeks and 5 days along...I just keep smiling as I think about our little sweetie who'll be here soon enough! I'm really hoping this will be the week!! It's all in Christian's court right now. I'm feeling fine, still some pressure down there, but it's expected. Last night it was the worst, but I think I overworked my big belly self, but I couldn't help it. Was it my OCD or is it really baby nesting I was doing? I opened the fridge and just went to town cleaning it til it was spotless! Then I started with the laundry, tried to clear up the counter clutter, and what else?? I know I did more and I already forgot, that is crazy! haha

So this weekend we took pictures at a small beautiful park, Helen's Park that I found atleast a year ago while just driving around with mom trying to find garage sales. She always told me I had to go back, and we finally did! Me and Carlos went with Vicky, Sergio and Kate. We made a day of it. Too bad I skipped church though...
Above are some pictures from our photo shoot! :) We had fun, it was a beautiful day, a little chilly, but still beautiful!
Thursday is our next appointment, we'll see if Christian surprises us before then...I sure do hope so!! I'm ready to meet my lil man already! I know he's done baking, come on now Christian!! Love you baby! Tomorrow is Carlos' 36th birthday and it would be a GREAT birthday surprise!!
This morning Carlos dropped me off since my mom doesn't work on Mondays. So I'm officially on car rest, no more driving for me and especially not alone. My mommy and Carlos love to spoile me rotten! :) So sweet of them!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

38 Week Appointment Update

So today was our 38 week appointment and here is my status:
I'm measuring 40 weeks, Christian's heartbeat was 150, my blood pressure was a lot better than last week, 117/81, I gained about 4-5lbs :(, Christian is an estimated 8 lbs, dr may order an ultrasound after next week's appointment and I'm about 1 cm dilated. She expects to see me next week, but as we all know it could happen any day now...
I'm just trying to be patient as I wait for the BIG day. So I was a sad puppy and packed my bag and Christian's bag in the car today just in case dr said we should induce. Carlos said his famous words, "Get real Roxy!" lol It could have happened, not knowing how my blood pressure was and since it was high last week I wanted to be prepared.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Still Getting Ready...

Yeah!! Daddy put in the carseat today in our car. I love the colors and how it all matches, it's just PERFECT! Daddy has the spare in his truck, which I don't really anticipate Christian to be in very often.

Daddy put up the curtain rod and I added the nicely ironed curtain valance. We keep adding more to Christian's beautiful nursery and it feels more like home for him as we continue!!

Day After Thanksgiving

37 weeks and 2 days! I'm one round pumpkin huh? I did pretty good this Thanksgiving only because of my cold and my lack of working tastebuds! I'm kinda glad I was sick, I only gained 6 oz as of yesterday when I weighed in. We'll see what my dr's scale's says Thursday.

In The Gym

Here we are in the gym @ 37 and 5 days. I'm only doing 20 minutes now on the treadmill, which equals to a mile. I'm still enjoying the activity even though I hardly break a sweat! haha

My Baby's Boppy Pillow

I just love this print!! I can't wait to put this to good use when Christians gets here! I'm ready, but daddy is so nervous. Carlos thinks we're not quite ready and have so much still to do. Our life has been like this always, we're procastinators and always have a ton of things on our to do list. I'm ready for my new job as Christian's mommy!! That will be my priority and everything else will be on the backburner. Carlos is just a worrier by nature as I usually am, but I refuse to add extra stress to me and the belly. I'm hoping and praying for a easy and quick delivery. I can't wait our next appointment is only 2 days away!!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Bare Belly Bump Pictures

Thank you Erin for taking these great belly bump pictures!! I love them all even though I'm such a fatty! :)

37 Week Appointment Wrap Up

So I failed to note my 37 (full term) doctor's appointment stats on here.
Last Wednesday was the appointment and here is the summary:
I gained about 2-3 lbs from the week before, blood pressure was in normal range, but high @ 128/90 and dr said we'll see how that is at next appointment (this upcoming Thursday), I was not quite 1 cm dilated, about 20-30% effaced, Christian is still in head down postion, but not quite fully dropped, she estimates him to be a whopping 7 1/2 pounds and boy do I hope she's wrong!! She really thinks I'll go to my 40 weeks, but I'm ready for him now and he seems to be BIG enough! haha I can't wait to see him, spoil him and kiss him!! My BIG lil Christmas present is almost here!! Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh!!

Belly Behind The Wheel

Mommy still driving at not quite 38 weeks...Look at that belly!!

Getting Ready...

So today I ironed Christian's first outfits he'll be wearing at hospital and on his big ride home :). I think it took about 5 minutes to iron all 6 outfits and 2 hats! haha They are now packed neatly in his bag and ready for the big day! The nursery is getting more and more ready...I love the colors and the paisley print, just what I wanted from the beginning of this baby journey!! I hope Christian loves it too!
Daddy put up the mobile while I was at work today, next up is the curtain valance...

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

36 Weeks and 6 Days

Here I am at 14 weeks and 3 days with a fake belly....

Here I am at 36 weeks and 6 days. No need for a fake belly any longer, Christian took over my body and he's just about ready to make his grand appearance!

Christian's Nursery

Okay, so these are the beginning pictures...but I was sooooo happy to get home and see the furniture set up in the nursery. Carlos is awesome!!! We brought it in from Guzman Furniture Store lol (Thank you Vicky & Sergi!) on Sunday and it had to be cleaned, reassembled and needed a few touch ups. It looks great! I'll work on putting on the bedding tonight, it's been washed, but now needs to be ironed. I am having so much fun putting clothes away in the drawers and can't wait to personalize the room. The finishing touch will be the day Christian arrives! Tomorrow is our 37 week appointment, he will be fully baked by tomorrow and could come at any time now and be considered full-term! My sweet baby is about to be showered with so much love, hugs and kisses!!

Christian has been so blessed with tons of clothes and diapers! We really hope he gets to wear it all. This is only a small portion of things I've placed in his closet already. So much more to still hang and fold away!

Update on my bumpie friend, Julie. She gave birth to her perfect lil angel, Conner James last early this am soon after midnight weighing in at 6 lbs and 14 oz. He's adorable!! Congrats to the Lewis Family!

Friday, November 19, 2010

I LOVE This Belly of Mine!!

Just went to the restroom and checked my belly out...I LOVE it!! I won't love it so much when Christian is OUT though! LOL I can't wait to meet my future lil dr, and my mini Carlos!! He's coming very very soon! :)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Preparing for Christian's Big Arrival

Daddy getting the play yard ready...This is where Christian will sleep for about the first year or so. He'll be right close to us so when he wakes up during the night we can quickly be at his beckon call! Yup, he'll be spoiled rotten, just as all babies should be!!

Perfectionist daddy as usual working hard!

The finished product!! I love it! Thanks to family and friends who gave giftcards or duplicate gifts that were returned for store credit I was able to buy the play yard with a gift card and it cost me and Carlos $0.

Tio Sergi painting one wall in Christian's room. I love the final product, great job as always Sergi!!

36 Week Appointment One Day Early

So yesterday was our 36 week appointment. It was originally scheduled for Thursday, 11/18, but we got the date moved up 2 days. I was happy about that, got to see Christian even sooner than I expected. The u/s machine at my dr's isn't as great as the hospital's, but we definitely got great shots of our little sweetie. He was just wiggling around, taking in fluid, dr says he must be one happy baby! I hope so and can't wait to wrap my arms around him and hold him tight forever and ever!!
Here is a video of the last u/s before the BIG day!!
Dr. estimates Christian is about 5 1/2 - 6lbs, which is average according to sites I check and an application on my cell phone. I'm not concerned. Dr's first words were, "Well, he's NOT huge". Phew, what a relief! haha I'm just worried he'll be a big baby like I was, but I'm trying to eat better for his sake and mine. I'm guessing he'll be a healthy 8 pounder and I'll be happy with that! So, I only gained 1 lb since my last visit, which was 2 weeks ago, blood pressure was fine, cervix has not changed yet and dr assured me it's okay as this is my first pregnancy. I just hope and pray for a smooth delivery.
Yesterday was also my surprise baby shower at work. They did a great job, we had tons of food, it was like Thanksgiving! haha Carlos and Vicky were invited. Tamika did most of the planning and did a great job. They all pitched in and got me the exersaucer I had registered for. We got a couple giftcards to go shopping at Children's Place, also some long sleeve onesies, socks and wash cloths. I was getting upset and worried that I wouldn't be here for my own shower, Tamika had mentioned she was still planning the shower and was hoping to have it soon after our first paycheck in December, which would be 12/10 and my due date is 12/15!! I started to harass Vicky and Ieshia about it. Sad puppy moment I know...

Friday, November 12, 2010


I'm so thankful it's finally Friday! :)
Update on baby...He's been so active the past few days, I feel him almost all day long! It's an amazing feeling!!
Carlos and me have lots to still do. We have not put the car seat in my car yet, need to paint the one wall in the nursey, and bring in the furniture.
Yeah, I just found out our play pen has been delivered!! I can't wait to have it set up in our bedroom for our sweet lil Christian!
We don't have much planned for this weekend, phew!! Today, I'll just get home and work on baby's room and my "memories". We went to Lowe's yesterday and brought home some color swatches and I think we decided on a color we'll paint just one of the walls in his room. His nursery is just about cleared out, needs to be vacuumed and we'll need to bring in his furniture. I can't wait to see it all done!! Tomorrow is our neice's baby shower, Vanessa is also having a boy! His name will be Anthony Michael and he's due in mid January. Fall and Winter 2010 is definitely BOY season! My bumpie friend, Julie is now 37 and a half weeks into her pregnancy and is now on bed rest, but she's just about there and lil Conner will join us soon enough!!
Next Thursday is my next doctor's appointment and I can't wait. We'll get to see Christian one more time before his big arrival date, get an accurate weight on him, or maybe not so accurate according to some of my friends their last u/s was wrong. As long as Dr. Peterson doesn't say 8 lbs, I'll be okay! haha

Thursday, November 11, 2010

35 Weeks

This is a very special dress. This was Vicky's baby shower dress about 3 years ago. I love it and got lots of compliments on it. Thanks again Vicky! Glad I was finally able to use it! haha
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Monday, November 8, 2010

34 Weeks and 1 Day

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Baby is ON Board!!

We're ready for you Christian!! Technically, baby is ON board, just in my tummy for a few more weeks :)

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34 Weeks

In the gym as usual every early morning before work. I'm so happy I've been able to keep active this far along into my pregnancy, some people didn't think I could do it, but I've proved them all wrong! Who says a preggo can't stay active in the gym? Not ME!!

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How did I know I was going to have a BOY? I bought this turtleneck sweater dress months ago before I was even pregnant and got it in the color BLUE. It was a great buy for only about $5 on Kohls.com, I love a bargain! I think this dress is perfect and hope to wear it the day I leave to the hospital.

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Our 2nd Anniversary

Carlos gave me these beautiful flowers on our 2nd year anniversary. I love my sweetie and I know this is only the beginning, we have so many more memories to still make together. Soon enough Christian will be here and our little family will be complete and overfilled with joy, even moreso that before! :)

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Play Yard Check!!

The play yard has been purchased and should be arriving next week! It was more than I wanted to pay, but I'm sure we're going to love it!! I love the bright colors and reviews I've heard on it.