Wednesday, November 17, 2010

36 Week Appointment One Day Early

So yesterday was our 36 week appointment. It was originally scheduled for Thursday, 11/18, but we got the date moved up 2 days. I was happy about that, got to see Christian even sooner than I expected. The u/s machine at my dr's isn't as great as the hospital's, but we definitely got great shots of our little sweetie. He was just wiggling around, taking in fluid, dr says he must be one happy baby! I hope so and can't wait to wrap my arms around him and hold him tight forever and ever!!
Here is a video of the last u/s before the BIG day!!
Dr. estimates Christian is about 5 1/2 - 6lbs, which is average according to sites I check and an application on my cell phone. I'm not concerned. Dr's first words were, "Well, he's NOT huge". Phew, what a relief! haha I'm just worried he'll be a big baby like I was, but I'm trying to eat better for his sake and mine. I'm guessing he'll be a healthy 8 pounder and I'll be happy with that! So, I only gained 1 lb since my last visit, which was 2 weeks ago, blood pressure was fine, cervix has not changed yet and dr assured me it's okay as this is my first pregnancy. I just hope and pray for a smooth delivery.
Yesterday was also my surprise baby shower at work. They did a great job, we had tons of food, it was like Thanksgiving! haha Carlos and Vicky were invited. Tamika did most of the planning and did a great job. They all pitched in and got me the exersaucer I had registered for. We got a couple giftcards to go shopping at Children's Place, also some long sleeve onesies, socks and wash cloths. I was getting upset and worried that I wouldn't be here for my own shower, Tamika had mentioned she was still planning the shower and was hoping to have it soon after our first paycheck in December, which would be 12/10 and my due date is 12/15!! I started to harass Vicky and Ieshia about it. Sad puppy moment I know...

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