Monday, December 13, 2010

39 Week Appointment Update

Last Thursday was our 39 week appointment. Dr. Peterson thinks he dropped some more, I'm dilated 1 cm (still! :(), she guesses his weight 8-8 1/2 lbs, confirmed we'll do another hospital u/s to check weight accurately and we changed my next appointment date. I'm usually seen on Thursdays, a day after each new week for me, but we changed it to Tuesday 230 and said we'd discuss the u/s results. The earliest we could do u/s is Tuesday and as of right now I'm still waiting to get a call with an appointment time for that. I'm just so anxious at this point. I'm not at all frustrated with being pregnant, just anxious and a lil concerned about my BIG boy. I HAVE to push him out so I don't want him to get too big, or bigger than he already is I should say! haha Dr. Peterson said she'd be fine with inducing on my due date or any day past it, but definitely after 2 weeks past my due date. I definitely don't want to wait 2 weeks past my due date, and I'm really trying to hold out being induced. I just rationalize that it will be a smoother delivery if I just let nature take it's time. I'm so undecided...We'll see what happens. I'm definitely feeling Christian moving this morning and I've felt a lil belly tightening, but not as intense as early last week. It seems like the cramping and tightening slowed down and I don't know why! lol I thought it would only get more intense.
This Saturday Carlos and I had a surprise baby shower hosted by my in-laws. We were told to come over to my mother in law's for some tamales and we both figured it was for my mother in law's birthday (12/13), but we get there and we get a nice greeting...,"SURPRISE!!!!!" We sure were surprised! It was really just family there. We got some more clothes, bath products and money! :) I'll be starting Christian a savings account once he's born and has a social security number. I know it will just sit there, nothing will ever be withdrawn, if I do daddy will KILL me! haha

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