Monday, November 29, 2010

37 Week Appointment Wrap Up

So I failed to note my 37 (full term) doctor's appointment stats on here.
Last Wednesday was the appointment and here is the summary:
I gained about 2-3 lbs from the week before, blood pressure was in normal range, but high @ 128/90 and dr said we'll see how that is at next appointment (this upcoming Thursday), I was not quite 1 cm dilated, about 20-30% effaced, Christian is still in head down postion, but not quite fully dropped, she estimates him to be a whopping 7 1/2 pounds and boy do I hope she's wrong!! She really thinks I'll go to my 40 weeks, but I'm ready for him now and he seems to be BIG enough! haha I can't wait to see him, spoil him and kiss him!! My BIG lil Christmas present is almost here!! Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh!!

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