Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Purple Shoes for Gabby

I picked these up at Target yesterday..had to have them, they were a bargain @ $3!!! I had just seen the pink ones and posted them on my blog, but these were definitely the RIGHT price!! haha The pink ones at another location were like $6 or maybe $8. I'd hate to gift these away, I want them for my lil Gabby...But as of right now I'm not sure if our lil baby is a boy or a girl. I feel bad I've only posted girl things on here...sorry!! I'm bad and being biased towards a girl. Tomorrow 830am cannot come soon enough!!! I can't wait!! Carlos can't either, so glad he'll be at my side as he has been with alllll my appointments, what a good daddy. Last night he was trying to hear the baby, he put his ear to my belly, it was adorable!!! He thinks he heard baby, but he's not sure. I felt baby for sure..the heartbeat and some movement, I'm not sure if kicking...It's all so new to us and we're enjoying EVERY minute of it!!! Life just got better 5 months ago! It was wonderful before, but now its just how I envision heaven....PERFECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT! Thank you God for our wonderful gift that is still growing and getting ready to hatch soon!!

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