Saturday, July 31, 2010

20 Weeks and 3 Days

Found on Our First Baby Boy Shopping Date Together

Found at my fave Guild...

Also my fave Guild...

Gsale, brand new $0.50

Gsale...$.25 each

Cowboy baby will be ready for Rodeo Houston 2012!
Found these for $.25

Gsale stuff....

Baby Gap stuff...sandals were $.97!

I love the teddy bear emblem stuff @ BGap!! :)
Children's place onesie with matching hat and also striped beanie :)

Friday, July 30, 2010

Baby BOY Lara Exposed @ 20 Weeks and 1 Day!

Look at that adorable lil baby!!! :)

Just amazing!! I can't wait to do the 3D ones!!

Awww, my lil baby looking staight at us :)

Baby Boy Paisley!!

Okay, so I'm still gonna get my paisley!! Thank you BRU for having this line!!!

On One of the Happiest Days of My Life!!

So yesterday (07/29/10) @ 20 weeks and 2 days I found out the gender of our lil precious baby still growing inside of me....Carlos and I went to u/s at the hospital and....drumroll please....We are having a BOY!!!! :) He is 14 oz, Dr Peterson says average at this time is 12 oz. What a surprise to see his little private part, there is no denying it, we're definitely having a boy! This will be the first boy in my family so its a big deal! I'm surprised, but of course happy. I was so sure baby would be a girl just because both my sisters had girls and my mom had all girls. My mom had 2 miscarriages before my sisters and I, and they were both boys. I had to tell my sisters and mom via phone call, my mom is in the valley right now visiting my grandma. Then I texted my close and dear friends the great news. Later in the day I posted it on FB for my selective 100 friends to know and on my way home I called my favorite aunt, my Tia Celia and I also called my Godmother, Gracie. Of course both were glad to hear my great news! I hadn't even told my Godmother I was pregnant yet so it was a double dose of happiness for her! I'll definitely invite her to my baby shower set in October. I'm hoping Tia Celia can make it to the shower, she's not doing too well health-wise, drs found a tumor in one of her kidneys, her next followup appointment is next week.

So we were surprised, but of course elated...this is just the beginning to our fairy tale life! I've always dreamed of a girl, but God had different plans, I won't question it, I'll just embrace it all with open arms. I know he'll give me that girl I've dreamed of later or else I'm stealing someone's lil girl! haha joke...I think?! lol

I'm soooo excited!! I can't wait to see my mini Carlos!!! :) Also can't wait to have him blessed by my church and Pastor. I promise to give my baby boy all the love, support, hugs, kisses and attention he deserves!!!

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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Purple Shoes for Gabby

I picked these up at Target yesterday..had to have them, they were a bargain @ $3!!! I had just seen the pink ones and posted them on my blog, but these were definitely the RIGHT price!! haha The pink ones at another location were like $6 or maybe $8. I'd hate to gift these away, I want them for my lil Gabby...But as of right now I'm not sure if our lil baby is a boy or a girl. I feel bad I've only posted girl things on here...sorry!! I'm bad and being biased towards a girl. Tomorrow 830am cannot come soon enough!!! I can't wait!! Carlos can't either, so glad he'll be at my side as he has been with alllll my appointments, what a good daddy. Last night he was trying to hear the baby, he put his ear to my belly, it was adorable!!! He thinks he heard baby, but he's not sure. I felt baby for sure..the heartbeat and some movement, I'm not sure if kicking...It's all so new to us and we're enjoying EVERY minute of it!!! Life just got better 5 months ago! It was wonderful before, but now its just how I envision heaven....PERFECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT! Thank you God for our wonderful gift that is still growing and getting ready to hatch soon!!

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Half Baked Babyyyyyyy!! :)

Today I'm officially 20 weeks pregnant and still feeling WONDERFUL!! I cannot complain, this pregnancy so far has been amazingly PERFECT! I hadn't even had a bad day til yesterday! :( boo hoo! So I woke up today somehow because I went to bed til about 1130 last night after I chose my free jewelry from Premier Jewelry, washed a bunch of dishes and then organized my closet. I have a bunch of JUNK ughhhh!! I need to iron next...Today I'm wearing these semi-casual khakis I got at a resale shop, Walk in Closet for only less than $2!! Gotta love a bargain! Top I'm wearing is one I got from a girl on Craigslist for only $3, its blue with small white flowers on it. Last night I slept with my body pillow again so I slept wondeful!! I'm loving it...and apparently Carlos is too...Why did I wake up in the middle of the night to see him cuddling with MY pillow??? LOL I should have taken a pic! haha So I made it to the gym today for a full...drumroll please...15minutes!! LOL I also stepped on the scale and I'm officially a fat@ss! I've gained 10lbs now. I gotta stick to the gym and eat healthy I cannot afford the unnecessary weight gain. Well I'm super excited, tomorrow @ 830 is our ultrasound @ MH Katy and then @ 945 is my drs appointment with Dr. Peterson. I just can't wait!!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Bad Morning :(

So this morning was just very bad for me....I'm probaby over exaggerating, but I can't help it...
First, I couldn't find anything to wear. I find this hard to believe since I'm alwaysssss shopping! I really need to just set aside some time and do some organizing and also ironing, I'm sure that would help the situation. After about 30minutes I finally put something together, some PRE-pregnancy pants and a
faded@ss shirt about 2 years old! Carlos was so sweet and told me how nice I looked and smiled at the baby bump. He can be the sweetest sometimes! I love him to reeses pieces for sure!! I get to work and park in a corner spot as usual, well I get too close to the cement pillar and "bump" it, I hurry up and go to check my bumper...sure enough I see some damage, some scratches, minor, but to an OCD freak like me it's freakin' major and I'm ready to scream and cry!!! Carlos is fed up with my clumsiness, he said we're NOT getting it fixed. I'm hoping he can buff it out...Just terrible morning I tell you...but I think I'm finally over it all. I'm counting down the days...2 more days til I see my lil Baby, I can't wait!!!!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Pregnancy Brain or Just My Usual Clumsiness?

So yesterday I went shopping at Target and only carried a wristet, well as I loaded up my car with my bags I somehow forgot my wristlet, BUT got my cell phone that was on top of it..I left wristlet in cart and even put cart away! I had no cash in it, just credit cards, BUT I had Lady Gaga tickets I was selling and delivering that day. Luckily I left Target and went to another store in the same shopping center so I quickly realized what I had done! I almost ran over a few people as I raced back to the cart! Omgosh, my heart was beating so fast! Carlos was gonna kill me!
I was clumsy before pg, so I don't know if I can really blame this on pg, but to feel better...I will! LOL

19 Weeks and 5 Days

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Sunday, July 25, 2010

19 Weeks and 4 Days @ Crayons

Found this cute dress @ resale shop called was actually too big and too long, had to say no...It was new with tags too! It felt good that it was too big...See I am a medium...okay okay...LARGE haha!

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Isn't This Adorable?!

Isn't this just adorable?? It's about $200, absolutely stunning...I want a bassinet, but not for that much...SORRY Baby Lara! I'm a cheapo! LOL

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Paisley Album

Perfect paisley photo album, found @ Hallmark.

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They Make the Cutest Things..

Cute GIRL diapers @ Target...aren't they just adorable??? Still adorable @ 14.99 for pack of 26? lol

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19 Weeks and 2 Days

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Only the Best for Baby Lara

It smells so good and the Target brand doesn't compare...I may have to splurge, atleast for the first year! haha

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Perfect Shoes a Gabby

Aren't they adorable and perfect with the lil pearl fasteners?? Aww, if I'm having a girl, I'm going back for these for sure!! :) Come on Thursday!!!!! Mommy and Daddy want to know already!

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Perfect for a Lil Gabby :)

Okay so I went to Hallmark and saw the cutest outfit...what a coincidence the letter G was the first one on the rack!! Could this be a sign???

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Friday, July 23, 2010

19 Weeks and 2 Day

In the gym after my workout, see me sweating? LOL

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19 Weeks and 1 Day

I'm wearing a top my mommy got me..I like it, but I think I need to wear it later when I got a BIG belly, its too long...My mom is the best, always spoiling me! :)

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Monday, July 19, 2010

18 Weeks and 5 Days

I love this shirt (also a Craiglist buy). I love this pic...wish it was a lil clearer tho...

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Gabby Are You There??

If I have a Gabriella, I'm definitately doing this in solid color and some other color and then hang with paisley ribbon...I can see it already!! :)