Thursday, March 17, 2011

3 Months!!

Christian is steadily growing and is now a whole 3 months and 2 days! I love my little sweetie so much! I see him changing though. He used to be so warm natured, but not anymore and I'm not sure I smell that baby smell on him anymore?! Wahhhh! His skin was feeling a little rough before, but now it seems to be smoothing out. My maternity leave is over and I returned to work on March 8th. I resigned and gave a 2 week notice since this has been my "home" for 10 years and I will need to a good reference when I do start looking for a job. I'm looking right now for part-time weekend hours. I've been rejected by a few positions I thought would be perfect for me, which of course discouraged me. I have to keep the faith and trust that they were just not the right jobs for me. God will provide for me and our family and I just have to be strong and try to resist the negativity. I will enjoy all the special moments I'll be able to share with Christian while being a stay at home mommy! Our plan is for me to be home with him for a year.

Monday when Christian turned 3 months me and daddy took Christian for pictures at JC Penney and they came out great!! I can really see how Christian has changed, no more swollen little eyes and a lot more hair! He is simply adorable and I'm so proud to be his mommy!

1 comment:

  1. What an adorable baby you have! I'll have to return for some parenting tips. Thanks for visiting my blog :)
