Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Stationery card

Many Hugs Kisses Valentine's Card
Create personalized greeting cards and invitations at Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

3 Months!!

Christian is steadily growing and is now a whole 3 months and 2 days! I love my little sweetie so much! I see him changing though. He used to be so warm natured, but not anymore and I'm not sure I smell that baby smell on him anymore?! Wahhhh! His skin was feeling a little rough before, but now it seems to be smoothing out. My maternity leave is over and I returned to work on March 8th. I resigned and gave a 2 week notice since this has been my "home" for 10 years and I will need to a good reference when I do start looking for a job. I'm looking right now for part-time weekend hours. I've been rejected by a few positions I thought would be perfect for me, which of course discouraged me. I have to keep the faith and trust that they were just not the right jobs for me. God will provide for me and our family and I just have to be strong and try to resist the negativity. I will enjoy all the special moments I'll be able to share with Christian while being a stay at home mommy! Our plan is for me to be home with him for a year.

Monday when Christian turned 3 months me and daddy took Christian for pictures at JC Penney and they came out great!! I can really see how Christian has changed, no more swollen little eyes and a lot more hair! He is simply adorable and I'm so proud to be his mommy!


Classic Powder Blue Thank You Card
Say "Thanks," with personalized thank you notes from Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

3 Weeks and 1 day Later...

I'm still in love with our newest family member, but I'm frustrated with the whole breastfeeding process. I am producing milk, just not enough and we're having to supplement with formula. I'm ready to give up, but Carlos thinks we should give it a little more time. It's easier said than done. I hate to see Christian so fussy because he's hungry. I can keep him happy if he stays breastfeeding 24/7, but what kind of mommy experience is that? I have plenty to do around the house, which includes taking care of myself as well. Breast feeding is definitely a challenge and I commend any woman who can do it and actually sticks with it. Kudos to you! I'm ready to enjoy Christian more, but in the meantime we'll try it a lot more and try weighing Christian again using our scale. Today Christian weighed 8.32 oz which is 5 more ounces than last time, 7.12 oz. I'm happy to know he's not loosing weight, but I really think its the supplementing we're doing that is really helping the weight gain. We've taken over 1000 pictures since he was born and I'm in the process of trying to print some out to start our album and to give to my mom. I adore our lil Christian, he's the cutest ever!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

One Week Ago...

Our lives changed just as we had imagined...Our sweet lil Christian came into our lives. Last Monday night after work I felt some different more intense contractions and I decided to skip dinner, which I never do, took a nice warm shower and called it a night at about 8pm. At about 1230am I woke up with the urge to go to the bathroom. As I used the bathroom and looked as I had been the last few weeks and I saw something different, some bloody show. I got just as excited as I had been the morning in April when I took a pregnancy test and read it was POSITIVE! I woke up Carlos and told him the news and that baby was definitely on the way!! I was very happy because I was beginning to think I'd have to be induced after my due date and that Christian was getting too big. Soon after that we started to count my contractions and sure enough they were coming every 5-6 minutes and lasting about 30-45 seconds. Along with my bloody show there was some mucus or so I thought. Later I found out my water had broken, which isn't too common, especially for someone's first pregnancy. So we headed out to the hospital at about 3 am and we said goodbye to our house and told it that we'd be returning with our lil Christian. We arrived to the hospital, we were taken to a triage room and they said they would monitor me for about an hour and check my progress. They called Dr. Peterson with my progress report after I had been there for an hour and dr ordered an ultrasound to check about my fluid level as nurse saw I was leaking a lot after she checked me the second time. That is how we found out my water had broken. I did not progress after my hour of observation, but because water had been broken, they admitted me. I was then taken to the labor and delivery room, room number 3 at Memorial Herman Katy Hospital. I was constantly checked and I dilated very slowly it seemed like and dr ordered the pitocin, to speed up my cervix to dilate. I refused pain medicine since I did not want to be drowsy and not be able to fully experience Christian's birth. When I finally asked for the epidural I was only 2 cm dilated still. I was disappointed, but in really bad pain. Those contractions felt like a towel being wrung out, I used to have really bad cramps growing up and labor contractions compared to them, but about 10 times worse!! I was told the epidural would be available in about an hour or so and that's when I said okay to the lowest dosage possible of pain medicine. I was given stadol and nurse, who was extremely nice and compassionate, Esther said it would be effective immediately, but wouldn't last long. She was right, it worked very fast and when it was time for pushing I was no longer feeling the numness it was able to provide during those terrible contractions. When it was time for the epidural I did not feel that at all that I can remember, I was ready to go to sleep and just felt so calm and relaxed. At 630pm I told nurse I needed more epidural as I felt mine had worn off already, she said she'd check me first because maybe I was ready to push. Sure enough I had completely effaced and was 10 cm dilated...I was ready to PUSH!! After 30 minutes of pushing that actually felt like 10 minutes, our sweeeeeeet, dear Christian was out! After all the planning, all the dreams and praying our sweet angel was born! Christian weighed in at 7 lbs and 12 ounces and 19 inches in length. Carlos of course was at my side through it all and he was an amazing husband and daddy as expected. He captured most of it on video and we'll have it to treasure it forever and ever! I said I wanted a vaginal birth and I'm so happy it was possible. I was fine soon after delivery. I did feel very light headed though and I was pretty sure it was because of skipping my dinner the night before. I was very happy to finally have some food after delivery. Vicky brought me what I had been craving for a while, Chick fil a! The whole delivery experience was amazing and I still can't believe how perfect and somewhat easy it was. I did have to have an episiotomy done and that is still healing, but I'm doing fine. Most importantly Christian was born just as perfect as can be and just as cute as can be too!! We're blessed a million times over and I know this is just the beginning!! We were released from the hospital 2 days after delivery and it felt great to come home. Christian is such a good baby too. We've had tough nights, but we just realized my breast milk is not quite in and I haven't been feeding him much through breastfeeding. We began to supplement formula with my breastmilk as of Friday night and it has been better and continues to improve each day. We were hesitant at first, but of course anything for Christian. I will never deprive him of anything! He's asleep right now and I should be too, but I have some breast pumping to do first. I am a mommy now and I'm loving my new job!! I just love to hold my sweetie and tell him how much I love him. One day he'll read this blog and know exactly how our baby journey to meeting him was.
Christian-I love you sweetie forever and ever! I can't wait to see the kind of man you grow up to be. Me and your daddy will promise to guide you always and provide you with everything necessary that you'll need to succeed in this world. You were born out of so much love that me and your daddy have for each other and you were defintely planned. I should say carefully planned, your daddy never makes a rash decision, he always thinks things through and weighs every possiblity. He really is the smartest man I know. I didn't grow up with a strong man like that and I admire him for being such a great man. I know I couldn't have married a better man than your daddy. Christian, you will have some big shoes to fit, but I know with me and your daddy's love and support you will do just fine!! This blog is dedicated to you Christian and I hope you treasure it always my love!! I love you more than words could ever explain. I want to protect you always and love you like crazy!! -Love, Mommy