Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, I LOVE You!!!

Finally started to work on my baby shower invitations last night for just a few minutes. I'm going to tackle the project tonight with some help from Vicky. I really wanted to get these out on Friday already....We shall see.

So today I'm 26 weeks along in the pregnancy. I'm still feeling good and keeping active, but definitely NOT trying to lose weight as someone who shall remain nameless suggested. On Monday while cleaning all of a sudden I felt dizzy, this was probably the 3rd time ever during the pregnancy I felt like this. This time it was bad, I had to sit down and take a lil break. I had eaten so I'm not sure why I felt like that. I'm glad it passed though because I had the whole day to clean the house and work on the baby room. I really feel like I was productive on Monday. The sorting and packing away all my memories is really coming along. I came across lil stuff that I don't want, can't sell, but can't bear to throw away so I'm donating it to one of those donation dumpsters, someone will want my old treasures! LOL My treat after a day of cleaning and being stuck at home all day was Chipotle dinner with Carlos. Omgosh, bad gave me bad heartburn and I was just as stuffed as my burrito! I was scared to lay down. Never again will I do it, well not during pregnancy that is. It wasn't even all that, tasted kind of dry, I think it needed more sour cream. The guacamole on the side wasn't it's usual creamy self...Even Carlos agreed, I'm NOT just being the picky preggo! lol

This morning while driving in I was so sleepy still. I was upset I only got 10 minutes of workout time because of nosey people wanting to check out pulled over cars. I honk at people going slow doing that, it really pisses me off. I'm nosey too, but I only check out accidents and stalled cars when I'm a passenger. I've had my share of accidents and believe me, I do NOT want another one on my record! LOL I'm so happy I'm just about done paying on my car. I should be able to save more and/or splurge more on my lil boy once he's here. Back to morning commute, I'm going to aim to leave the house @ 6am to hit the gym and have enough time to workout and then get ready for work. Pretty soon I'll be carpooling with my mom. We live and work pretty close to each other, only she has a different work schedule, but she can alter it at anytime. I can't wait to carpool, it will be less traffic time for me with the HOV.

So yesterday my baby doppler came in. In great timing too because my sweet mommy came over to bring me some homemade chicken and veggie soup she makes so delishly. So my mom was able to hear the baby's heartbeat. I cried of joy of course and so happy to share the moment with her. I'm always able to hear him on my right hand side so apparently that's where he loves it. Before we went to bed me and Carlos heard the baby together, it was amazing. I never get tired of hearing my lil baby's heartbeat and I just can't wait to see him in person and hug and kiss him allllllll day long!

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