Friday, July 30, 2010

On One of the Happiest Days of My Life!!

So yesterday (07/29/10) @ 20 weeks and 2 days I found out the gender of our lil precious baby still growing inside of me....Carlos and I went to u/s at the hospital and....drumroll please....We are having a BOY!!!! :) He is 14 oz, Dr Peterson says average at this time is 12 oz. What a surprise to see his little private part, there is no denying it, we're definitely having a boy! This will be the first boy in my family so its a big deal! I'm surprised, but of course happy. I was so sure baby would be a girl just because both my sisters had girls and my mom had all girls. My mom had 2 miscarriages before my sisters and I, and they were both boys. I had to tell my sisters and mom via phone call, my mom is in the valley right now visiting my grandma. Then I texted my close and dear friends the great news. Later in the day I posted it on FB for my selective 100 friends to know and on my way home I called my favorite aunt, my Tia Celia and I also called my Godmother, Gracie. Of course both were glad to hear my great news! I hadn't even told my Godmother I was pregnant yet so it was a double dose of happiness for her! I'll definitely invite her to my baby shower set in October. I'm hoping Tia Celia can make it to the shower, she's not doing too well health-wise, drs found a tumor in one of her kidneys, her next followup appointment is next week.

So we were surprised, but of course elated...this is just the beginning to our fairy tale life! I've always dreamed of a girl, but God had different plans, I won't question it, I'll just embrace it all with open arms. I know he'll give me that girl I've dreamed of later or else I'm stealing someone's lil girl! haha joke...I think?! lol

I'm soooo excited!! I can't wait to see my mini Carlos!!! :) Also can't wait to have him blessed by my church and Pastor. I promise to give my baby boy all the love, support, hugs, kisses and attention he deserves!!!

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